Learn about Ana
Ana Tucker, LCSW, MPH, CHt.
Ana Tucker has over 3 decades experience in the field of health and wellness and over 20 years experience in private practice. She is passionate in her belief that we all have the innate capacity to live in a state of wellness and harmony.
She has been featured on The Morning Show with Lester Holt, and has appeared in Glamour, Self, Mademoiselle, Allure and online publications including NBC News online, Epitome, Bustle, September Letters online & Integrative Practitioner.
Most recently she was featured in September Letter Finding Strength and Connection Through Sharing our Stories published by Harper Collins.
Ana is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Master Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in California and New York State. She earned her Master of Social Work degree from Columbia University, her Master of Public Health degree from Columbia University & her Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Science degree from U.C. Berkeley.
Ana offers individual Hypnotherapy, NLP, and Coaching sessions and conducts workshops on topics of career, health and personal growth.
She is based in Oakland, CA.
California LCSW License number 112740
New York State LCSW License number 085022